Automotive and Car Technology Articles - JC Whitney Auto Parts and Car Culture Tue, 09 Jan 2024 18:55:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Automotive and Car Technology Articles - JC Whitney 32 32 Cars in 2099 Sun, 29 Oct 2023 14:53:43 +0000 Predicting the future, especially so far ahead as 2099, is hardly an exact science. However, based on current trends and technological trajectories, […]

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Predicting the future, especially so far ahead as 2099, is hardly an exact science. However, based on current trends and technological trajectories, we can make some educated speculations.

By 2099, it’s likely that cars will be predominantly electric, if not entirely. Internal combustion engines may become much more rare, mainly owned by collectors and enthusiasts as novelties or special purchases. Consumer demand will have spurred advancements in battery technologies, making electric vehicles (EVs) more efficient, affordable, and accessible to people everywhere.

EV Ascendancy

If there’s one lesson we can take from the present and apply to our 2099 concept car, it’s that the rise in popularity of electric cars is likely to continue. These vehicles are becoming easier to access, and the fact that they are capable of being powered by renewable energies makes them much more future-proof than gas powered vehicles. Although gas engines will probably always have a place on the road, the average car in 2099 is likely to be electric.

Battery technology has been at the forefront of EV evolution. Advancements in solid-state batteries promise higher energy density, faster charging times, and enhanced longevity compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries. As battery costs continue to drop, EVs are becoming more affordable, widening their appeal to a broader range of consumers.

Autonomous driving capabilities are closely intertwined with the growth of EVs. Electric platforms offer an inherent advantage in integrating the plethora of sensors and computational hardware needed for autonomous operations. As self-driving technologies mature, we’re likely to see EVs equipped with advanced levels of autonomy, reshaping urban mobility and potentially reducing the need for personal vehicle ownership.

Charging infrastructure and technology are also undergoing rapid transformation. High-speed charging networks are expanding, while innovations like wireless or “on-the-go” charging could redefine how and where we “refuel” our vehicles. This expansion and innovation make EV ownership more convenient, even for those without home charging capabilities.

Vehicle design is another area impacted by EV advancements. Without the need for large engines and exhaust systems, designers have more freedom to reimagine vehicle interiors, making them more spacious or adaptable. Exteriors, too, are evolving, with many companies adopting sleek, aerodynamic designs that also enhance battery efficiency.

In shaping the future, these developments suggest a landscape where electric vehicles are not only commonplace but are diverse in design and functionality. They’ll cater to a wide range of needs, from urban commuting to long-haul travel, all while minimizing environmental impact. As technology and infrastructure mature, EVs will likely be at the heart of a more sustainable, efficient, and interconnected transportation ecosystem.

The Self-Driving Car

Self-driving cars, which are in their infancy in the early 21st century, might become the norm by 2099. With the advancement of AI and machine learning, cars could potentially be completely autonomous, making human-driven cars a rarity. This shift could lead to fewer traffic accidents, more efficient traffic flow, and possibly even a different approach to urban planning and infrastructure.

The role of autonomous driving systems over the next 80 years is anticipated to be transformative, reshaping transportation, urban planning, and societal norms. As these systems mature and gain widespread acceptance, the fundamental relationship between humans and vehicles will evolve.

In the early stages, we can expect a significant reduction in road accidents, as the majority of these are attributed to human error. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) operate based on algorithms, sensors, and vast data inputs, reducing the chances of oversights that can lead to collisions. This improvement in safety could influence car design by reducing the need for certain safety features that cater to human fallibility.

The very essence of car interiors might be reimagined. Without the need for a human driver to focus on the road, vehicle interiors could transition from a driver-focused cockpit to spaces that prioritize comfort, entertainment, or even productivity. Imagine cars that feel more like mobile lounges or offices, with seats that can swivel or recline fully, or vehicles designed for specific purposes like sleep, work, or entertainment.

Functionally, the integration of AVs into our transportation network would likely result in a shift from personal car ownership to shared mobility solutions. Fleets of self-driving cars could be summoned on demand, arriving when needed and optimizing routes based on traffic, weather, and passenger needs. This could alleviate congestion in urban centers and potentially reduce the demand for vast parking infrastructures, allowing cities to repurpose land for green spaces or other community-centric uses.

Additionally, the intertwining of autonomous systems with electric vehicle technology might push forward the transition to cleaner, more sustainable modes of transportation. With fewer moving parts and the potential for centralized charging in fleet scenarios, EVs equipped with autonomous tech could be the norm.

Over an 80-year horizon, these shifts would likely have cascading effects on industries beyond just transportation. Urban planning, real estate, insurance, and even sectors like hospitality could evolve in response to the widespread adoption of AVs. While it’s challenging to predict the exact trajectory of such a profound technological shift, the integration of autonomous driving systems into our lives will undeniably shape the future in multifaceted and transformative ways.

The Roads of the Future

Over the next 80 years, roads and the broader transportation infrastructure are poised to undergo a metamorphosis, influenced by technological advancements and environmental challenges.

Electric vehicles (EVs) and self-driving cars will likely demand a reimagining of road infrastructure. Charging infrastructure will become a more integral part of urban and rural landscapes. Roads might be equipped with inductive charging pads to charge EVs on the go, extending their range and reducing the need for large stationary charging stations. The potential for “smart” roads could arise, embedded with sensors and communication devices to relay real-time information to autonomous vehicles, ensuring smoother traffic flow, optimizing travel routes, and enhancing safety.

The rise of autonomous vehicles could also result in more efficient use of road space. If cars can communicate with each other and coordinate movements, it’s conceivable that we might see narrower lanes, and potentially a reduction in traffic congestion, as vehicles move in harmony. With less need for parking due to shared autonomous fleets, vast parking structures and roadside parking might give way to other uses, like green spaces, pedestrian zones, or urban farming.

James Willamor

Climate change, an overarching global challenge, will impact how roads are built and maintained. With rising sea levels and increased flooding events, roads in vulnerable areas might need to be elevated or redesigned to handle water runoff more effectively. Materials used in road construction may also evolve to withstand more extreme weather conditions, from intense heat to freezing spells. 

The integration of electronic infrastructure into roads may go beyond aiding autonomous and electric vehicles. Digital road signage could replace static signs, adapting to current traffic conditions, weather, or emergency situations. Roads might also incorporate renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels built into the road surface, turning highways into power-generating entities.

In the context of urban planning, the influence of EVs and autonomous vehicles, coupled with changing perceptions around mobility, might lead to cities designed more for people than cars. With potentially fewer vehicles on the road, especially in densely populated areas, and a reduced need for parking, cities could reclaim space for parks, recreational areas, or expanded pedestrian zones, leading to a better quality of urban life.

In essence, the roads of the future will not just be static ribbons of asphalt or concrete; they’ll be dynamic, adaptive, and smarter, shaping and shaped by the ever-evolving relationship between humans, vehicles, and the environment.

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The Most Overrated and Underrated Car Tech Sun, 29 Oct 2023 14:04:35 +0000 Since the earliest cars, we’ve seen more different kinds of bells and whistles get added and then ultimately discontinued than you can […]

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Since the earliest cars, we’ve seen more different kinds of bells and whistles get added and then ultimately discontinued than you can shake a stick at. A lot of things that were once considered steps forward in automotive technology have now taken their rightful place in the dustbin of history, but on the other hand, there are plenty of advancements that have come along and withstood the test of time. Evaluating these features as overrated and underrated is somewhat a matter of fact, as in the case of previous technology that no longer exists today, and is somewhat a matter of subjective experience (which is what makes it fun to argue about). Presented here is a starting point for that conversation, then. These are pieces of car technology that we think deserve to be called overrated and underrated; change our minds.


Self Driving

It seems like for ten years we’ve been hearing that self-driving cars are just around the corner, but they have yet to materialize in the form we’ve come to expect (i.e. where a driver can get in their car, set the destination, then veg out until arrival). We of course have to acknowledge that features like semi-autonomous mode and lane assist have definitely changed the way we drive and only seem to be getting better as technology advances, but we’re still a long way from a Jetsons-like future where instead of strapping into a driver’s seat we can just stretch out on the couch when we get into our cars.

Traffic Light Assist

This is one of those superfluous high-end features you’ll see in luxury trim packages that honestly just seems like it was invented as an afterthought. The idea of this feature, for the uninitiated, is that if you are stopped at an odd angle to a traffic light (i.e. too far forward where you can’t see it), a camera mounted on the front of the car can detect when the light has changed and let you know on the dashboard. What a time to be alive, right? This whole time we’ve simply been evaluating the color of traffic lights by looking at them, but in today’s brave new world we can finally be rid of that onerous chore, thereby saving our neck muscles an untold amount of strain. 

Car Phones

Here’s one of those relics of the past that, at the time when they were first coming onto the market, must have felt like the wave of the future. In addition to impressing all your friends with your ability to call them from the road, you can almost hear the people who thought of this one saying to themselves how, someday in the not-too-distant future, every car would have a phone in it. And they were right! Just not in the way they thought. In fairness, it would have taken someone with Steve Jobs’ level of foresight to understand that car phones were going to be regarded as a passing fad rather than a technological revolution, and car makers can be forgiven for giving this feature a go. Plus, now that they are retro enough to be hip, having a car phone in your current car is actually quite stylish, especially if it somehow works.

Massage Seats

Massage chair technology was invented for those coin-operated easy chairs you used to see in shopping malls that promised a couple of minutes of relaxation for just fifty cents (okay, okay, this almost certainly isn’t true, but who cares?) and the technology has not gotten noticeably better since then. Do you like the idea of getting a back massage from a Terminator robot? Because that’s what these things feel like. They are more anxiety-inducing than normal seats but somehow more expensive. Save the cash and just go see a human professional if you need to de-stress.



When a piece of technology doesn’t noticeably advance as the decades go by it’s usually either because no one really uses it that much, or because whoever designed it pretty much got it right the first time. To be fair, seatbelts have changed quite a bit in subtle ways from their first iterations to the versions we use in modern cars, but in terms of concept, form, and design they really aren’t too different. It’s always great when a piece of technology works the way it’s supposed to from the word go, but that’s doubly true when it’s something that can save your life. Good job, seatbelt inventors. This piece of car tech will probably be with us until either riding in cars becomes a completely risk-free proposition, or until some other mode of personalized transit is invented.

Courtesy of National Institute of Standards and Technology

Vent Windows

Getting rid of these things is one of the worst things that ever happened in the history of automobile development. You know that feeling when you’re riding down the road on a blissful seventy-degree day with the window down and the sunshine on your arm? Then, suddenly, you come upon a four-lane highway and start cruising at 75mph and that comforting breeze becomes a gale? The vent window allowed drivers to sort of split the difference here, letting the fresh air come in and blow right on you without subjecting yourself to a tornadic assault of wind when you’re moving at high speeds. Now sure, modern seals in windows are a lot better at keeping your perfectly conditioned air in the car. And that’s all fine and good (especially for gas mileage reasons), we guess, but the truth is that on a lot of days most drivers would be okay just letting in some air from outside if they had a more comfortable way to do so.

Photo by Christopher Ziemnowicz

Manual Seat Adjustment

A fast and “just-about-idiot proof” way to adjust the seat to your liking. Like the seat belt we have, in manual seats that are adjusted with levers and by pressing your weight on the seat to move out in the direction you desire, an example of technology that worked fine the first time and didn’t need much in terms of improvement. Electric seat adjustment takes forever and, at least in its earlier forms, was not immune from going out over time leaving you with a seat stuck permanently in whatever position it was set to in 1996. Great. We will concede that preset seats are a good idea, allowing you to bring your driver’s seat back to its ideal position with the touch of a button, but beyond that manual seats work fine, weigh less, and perform their function every time. 

Remote Engine Start

If the last item had us sounding like an old-timer shaking his cane at the newfangled contraptions these kids today keep coming up with, allow us to do a 180 by praising this piece of modern technology. First of all remote start has revolutionized the act of getting in one’s car on particularly frosty or balmy days. Giving the climate a few minutes to adjust before you have to start your commute to work is truly a game-changer, but now instead of that being something you have to brave the elements to do, you can just hit a button and get your car warming up/cooling off over your morning coffee. It’s doubly useful during the winter when you can get the defrosters running a spell, saving you valuable time and misery by making scraping ice easier. It’s probably true that everyone who has remote start loves it, but there’s just no praise sufficient enough for this revolution in creature comfort.

Photo Credit: Advantus Media Inc. and QuoteInspector
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Are Off-Grid Cars the Future of Cyber Security Sun, 29 Oct 2023 12:09:16 +0000 There is no shortage of sci-fi movies where the protagonist in the story is struggling against their adversaries’ ability to track their […]

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There is no shortage of sci-fi movies where the protagonist in the story is struggling against their adversaries’ ability to track their every move with surgical precision —The Adjustment Bureau, The Matrix, and Enemy of State among them. Although this used to be the domain of speculative and science fiction, it’s essentially become a fact of life with all the forms of technology we willingly carry— each capable of tracking our every move. More and more this applies to cars, which are built with technology engineered to connect to larger networks, thereby making it possible to track. Personal cybersecurity (or opsec) has become a growing area of interest in the technological age with individual users adopting off the grid solutions, VPNs, private browsers, and disabling tracking features on apps and devices all in the name of increased personal security. In an era where cars are sold to us wired in, how do security-focused consumers maintain privacy? Join us as we explore the ramifications of increased connectivity in cars and how individuals might be able to circumvent being monitored 24/7 with “off the grid” automotive solutions.

How Cars Get Wired In

Not all modern cars are automatically connected to the internet or inherently equipped with tracking capabilities. However, a growing number of new vehicles are being designed with built-in connectivity features, often referred to as telematics. These features can include internet connectivity, GPS navigation, and emergency SOS services. Connected services might be used for navigation, remote unlocking, vehicle diagnostics, and more.

Even if a car is not directly connected to the internet, many vehicles come with GPS systems, which can be used for location tracking in various scenarios such as theft recovery. Additionally, some vehicles have emergency response services like GM’s OnStar or Hyundai’s Blue Link, which use cellular technology to offer emergency crash response and other services.

However, older models and more basic trim levels of new cars may not come with these features, and not all drivers subscribe to the services that offer connectivity. Additionally, even cars with these capabilities are not universally “trackable” at all times due to user privacy considerations, legal restrictions, and the limits of technology (e.g., no cellular or GPS signal).

While many modern cars have the capability to connect to the internet or be tracked via GPS, it’s not accurate to say that all cars have this ability, and various factors influence whether a particular car can be tracked at any given moment.

Air Gapping

An “air-gapped” car – a vehicle that is entirely isolated from internet or network connectivity– is possible, and in fact, many older or basic models of cars effectively operate in an air-gapped manner. These cars don’t have built-in connectivity features such as WiFi, Bluetooth, or cellular connectivity commonly found in modern vehicles. 

However, creating a truly air-gapped car in the contemporary automotive landscape might involve deliberate efforts to maintain such isolation. As automotive technology evolves, connectivity is increasingly integrated into vehicles for various purposes like navigation, maintenance diagnostics, entertainment, and safety features. A car owner might choose to disable certain features or avoid connecting their vehicle to external networks to maintain a level of air-gapping.


In practice, ensuring that a car remains entirely unconnected could be challenging. Even without intentional network connections, there are ways a car might inadvertently connect or be connected to networks, such as through maintenance tools at a repair shop or via devices brought into the car by passengers.

In the future, maintaining an air-gapped car might become even more challenging as vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication technologies become more prevalent, allowing cars to communicate with each other and infrastructure like traffic lights. These advancements could make connectivity more intrinsic to the fundamental operation and safety of vehicles, making a truly air-gapped car more of an anomaly or specialty choice for those seeking such isolation.


Yes, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology can typically be disabled by the user, but doing so might limit certain functionalities and features that enhance the driving experience and safety. Manufacturers design V2X systems to be user-friendly and often allow users to manage connectivity settings, deciding what data they are comfortable sharing. Users can usually turn off specific V2X communication features through the vehicle’s infotainment system or other control interfaces.

However, there might be consequences to disabling V2X functionalities. These technologies are implemented to improve road safety, traffic efficiency, and overall driving experience. By turning off V2X communications, users might not benefit from real-time traffic alerts, emergency vehicle warnings, and other safety-enhancing information shared via V2X communication networks.

It’s also worth considering that as V2X technologies evolve and become more integrated into transportation infrastructures, there might be a push towards making certain V2X communications standardized and consistently operational to ensure road safety and effective traffic management. In such cases, the ability to completely disable V2X communications might be limited or regulated to maintain the integrity and functionality of the broader transportation ecosystem.

Analog Solutions

One possibility, as mentioned above, to avoid having your ride “on the grid,” is simply to drive an analog car that doesn’t have internet- or satellite-connected hardware. At the time of writing this, that applies to most of the cars which have ever been made or sold. But we live in a rapidly changing world, and several factors could complicate this solution. For one thing, it’s always possible that future regulations will require cars to carry some kind of tracking device which is installed manually onto older calls. A box like this could be required for driving behavior tracking purposes, as we’ve already begun to see with some insurance companies, as well as to enable V2X technology for increased safety.

It’s certainly possible that the legal system will create exceptions for older cars, particularly ones with historic value, allowing them to be “grandfathered” into whatever future regulatory framework crops up, but there’s no guarantee that this will be the case. It could very well be that in the future driving an untraceable car becomes illegal—if that happens, drivers will have to re-evaluate their reasons for wanting to drive off-grid cars against the risk.

Additionally, most of the cars that meet the “analog” criteria are gas-powered. The future logistics of driving a gas-powered car in a predominantly electric vehicle (EV) world will depend on various factors, including policies, market dynamics, and technological advancements.

As the transition towards EVs progresses, it’s likely that gas stations will become less prevalent, but they won’t disappear overnight. Gasoline-powered cars will still need to be serviced for quite some time, given the existing vast fleet of internal combustion engine vehicles. Some gas stations may start offering both gasoline and electric charging services, adapting to the changing automotive landscape.

In some regions, particularly rural or remote areas where the transition to electric may be slower due to infrastructure challenges, gas stations may continue to operate longer. However, in urban areas with a higher concentration of EVs, gas stations may become scarcer.

Moreover, policies and regulations could impact the availability of gasoline. Some countries and cities have proposed banning the sale of new gasoline-powered cars in the future, which would gradually reduce the number of such vehicles on the road. However, such policies would likely consider the need for a transition period and would ensure that existing gasoline-powered cars are still supported indefinitely. Such cars would likely be ‘grandfathered’ in to the new framework and by no means would it be impossible to keep driving your gas-powered car.

Manufacturers of gasoline-powered vehicles and related industry stakeholders may also adapt their strategies, potentially focusing on hybrid models or other technologies that still require gasoline but are more efficient and environmentally friendly.

For drivers of gasoline-powered cars, this shift could mean planning refueling more carefully and potentially facing higher fuel prices due to reduced demand. They might also find fewer maintenance services specialized in internal combustion engines.

While the logistics of driving a gas-powered car will undoubtedly change with the rise of EVs, a total lack of support or refueling options is unlikely in the near to medium term. Adaptation strategies from various sectors of the automotive industry and thoughtful policies will likely ensure a gradual and manageable transition.


Aside from gas-powered cars, it’s likely that a cottage industry could pop up to take cars that come wired into the grid from the manufacturer off the grid by making modifications to them. As things stand now the only considerations that would affect your ability to modify your own car in this way would have to do with its street legal status, although the future could certainly hold new rules and regulations. That said, some people may choose to enter the gray area and make ‘jailbreak’ style modifications to their vehicles anyway.

Beyond this, just as there are a number products that cater to consumers who are cognizant of cybersecurity (think VPNs, encrypted messaging apps, browsers that don’t track your data), it seems likely that products will be developed to increase the cybersecurity of individual drivers. Entrepreneurs selling modifications and aftermarket products, to say nothing of car makers themselves, may be incentivized to cater to this important segment of the car buying public.

In short, one way or another drivers will be able to stay off grid if they choose for the foreseeable future. If shifting events someday make that more difficult there’s one way drivers have managed to stay off grid from time immemorial—simply taking them off road.

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How Electric Vehicles Use Braking to Generate Power Sun, 29 Oct 2023 12:01:26 +0000 What you need to know about regenerative braking. The act of stopping your car is an intensive energy transfer process. If we […]

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What you need to know about regenerative braking.

The act of stopping your car is an intensive energy transfer process. If we dust off our old science textbooks and turn to the page about thermodynamics—yep, right there on the page where you scribbled the initials of your crush—you’ll remember that energy isn’t created or destroyed. So that means the energy you used to bring your car up to speed has got to go somewhere when we slow down. In modern cars that energy is converted to heat which is created by the friction between our brake pads in the calipers and the disc rotors. As the discs are squeezed by the calipers, our car slows to a halt and heat is created. For years that energy has simply been allowed to dissipate without a second thought. But today, battery-powered hybrid and electric cars are changing that with regenerative braking, which captures the energy created by braking and uses it to power the car. This incandescent-lightbulb level innovation represents a breakthrough in automotive efficiency that will change cars forever. Join us as we explore the creation of this tech and take a look at where it’s headed in the future.


Regenerative braking systems were invented and initially applied in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The concept was first applied to elevator systems and trams. In 1887, Sprague Electric Railway & Motor Company introduced regenerative braking technology in elevators. Later on, it was applied to railway systems to improve energy efficiency.

Regenerative braking systems in trains operate by converting the kinetic energy, usually lost during braking, back into electrical energy which can be reused. When a train moves, it has a significant amount of kinetic energy, and when the brakes are applied, this kinetic energy is normally dissipated as heat. However, with regenerative braking, the process is optimized for energy recovery.

In the case of electric trains, when the brakes are applied, the electric motors that drive the train’s wheels essentially turn into generators. As the wheels turn the generator while the train is slowing down, electrical energy is produced. This generated electrical energy is then either returned to the power lines and used elsewhere, or stored onboard for later use, such as for accelerating the train again or powering other systems within the train.

This system not only improves energy efficiency but also reduces wear and tear on the train’s mechanical braking systems, lowering maintenance costs. Furthermore, by converting braking energy into reusable electrical energy, regenerative braking contributes to the overall sustainability and efficiency of train operations, reducing the overall energy consumption and carbon footprint of the railway system.

For automobiles specifically, the first instances of regenerative braking were seen in electric vehicles in the early 20th century. However, it wasn’t until the advent of more sophisticated electrical and battery technologies in the late 20th century that regenerative braking became a more common feature in passenger vehicles, particularly hybrid and electric cars.

The technology has significantly evolved since its initial application, becoming a fundamental feature in modern electric and hybrid vehicles, contributing substantially to energy recovery and overall vehicle efficiency.

How it Works

Regenerative braking in hybrid and electric vehicles (EVs) works by recapturing the kinetic energy typically lost during braking and converting it into electrical energy that can be used to recharge the vehicle’s battery. This process is integral to the enhanced energy efficiency observed in these types of vehicles.

Here’s an overview of how the process works: In a conventional braking system, applying the brakes leads to the generation of heat due to friction, and this heat is dissipated into the environment, wasting the kinetic energy of the moving vehicle. However, regenerative braking systems are designed to capitalize on this otherwise wasted energy.

Photo Credit JeffMik1

When the driver applies the brakes in a hybrid or EV, the electric motor undergoes a role reversal—it switches from consuming electricity to generating motion, to generating electricity from the motion (kinetic energy) of the wheels as the vehicle slows down. This happens because the electric motor is connected to the wheels, and when the vehicle is slowing down, the wheels drive the motor, turning it into a generator. 

The electricity generated by the motor-generator is directed to the battery, where it is stored for later use. This stored energy can then be used to power the vehicle’s electric motor, contributing to the propulsion of the vehicle. 

Regenerative braking is particularly beneficial during city driving, where there are numerous stop-and-go situations. It contributes significantly to the efficiency of hybrid and electric vehicles, allowing them to achieve higher fuel economy and longer ranges compared to conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. This system also tends to reduce the wear and tear on the mechanical braking system, potentially lowering maintenance costs.

Nuts & Bolts

Yes, regenerative braking systems do require some different maintenance practices and components compared to conventional braking systems, but they also share some common aspects. 

Regenerative braking systems involve electrical and electronic components such as the electric motor-generator and batteries, which conventional braking systems do not have. These components require specific maintenance practices to ensure they operate effectively. For instance, ensuring that the electrical connections are secure and that the battery is in good condition is essential for the proper functioning of a regenerative braking system. 

However, because regenerative braking reduces the reliance on the traditional friction braking system by using the electric motor to slow down the vehicle, the mechanical brakes tend to experience less wear and tear. This could mean that components like brake pads and rotors may not need to be replaced as frequently as they would in vehicles without regenerative braking systems.

On the flip side, because mechanical brakes are used less frequently, they might be more susceptible to corrosion or other issues related to lack of use. Regular inspection is necessary to ensure that the conventional brakes are operational when needed, especially because they act as a backup and supplementary system to the regenerative brakes.

Furthermore, technicians working on regenerative braking systems need to be knowledgeable about both mechanical and electrical systems and should follow safety protocols to avoid risks associated with high-voltage electrical components.

In conclusion, while regenerative braking systems have some unique maintenance requirements due to their electrical components, they also lead to reduced wear on the conventional braking system, possibly leading to less frequent replacements of parts like brake pads and rotors. It’s essential to have the vehicle serviced by technicians familiar with regenerative braking systems and their specific maintenance needs.

Tech & Innovation

The future of regenerative braking systems in cars appears promising and intrinsically linked with the broader adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid technologies. As the global automotive industry gravitates towards sustainability, with increasing emphasis on reducing carbon footprints and enhancing energy efficiency, the proliferation of EVs seems inevitable. In turn, as more EVs permeate the market, regenerative braking systems, a cornerstone technology for these vehicles, are likely to become more prevalent.

Innovation in regenerative braking is expected to be multifaceted. We might see advancements in the efficiency of energy recovery, whereby a larger proportion of the kinetic energy lost during braking is recaptured and reused. This could involve improvements in motor-generator technologies, battery storage capabilities, and the overarching control systems governing these processes.

Another avenue of innovation could be the integration of regenerative braking systems with other vehicular technologies, such as adaptive cruise control and autonomous driving systems. Such integration could enable more nuanced and adaptable regenerative braking strategies, optimized in real-time based on driving conditions, traffic patterns, and topographical variations.

Courtesy of Cal State Fullerton

Enhancements in the smoothness and responsiveness of regenerative braking systems could also be on the horizon. Future systems might offer an improved driving experience, with seamless transitions between regenerative and friction braking, catering to a broader spectrum of driving styles and preferences.

Furthermore, we might witness the expansion of regenerative braking concepts beyond hybrids and EVs, exploring their potential applicability in other vehicle categories, potentially even in conjunction with internal combustion engines, further broadening their impact on the automotive landscape.

Ultimately, the trajectory of regenerative braking systems is poised to be one of growth, innovation, and increasing significance in the automotive industry’s sustainable future. The technology is likely to evolve in parallel with broader trends, such as electrification and automation, playing a crucial role in shaping the next generation of vehicles and driving experiences.

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Cars that Changed the Industry Sun, 29 Oct 2023 11:48:11 +0000 Although the car—as concept, prototype, and consumer product—can trace its invention to Europe, there’s no question that America has made an indelible […]

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Although the car—as concept, prototype, and consumer product—can trace its invention to Europe, there’s no question that America has made an indelible mark on the automotive world. From the first assembly lines to the first widely available consumer cars, the US is responsible for jumpstarting some of the earliest innovations in automotive technology. From those formative days to the present, creating legendary automobiles has been an aspect of the US auto industry all along. We’ve seen iconic muscle cars, practical family vehicles, and all-terrain machines that will drive over whatever you point them at come off US assembly lines and into the annals of automotive history. In its own way almost every model of car created in the USA has made its stamp on the wider world of automobiles; the list that follows is by no means exhaustive, but here is a selection of American icons that helped shape the industry as it developed. 

1908 • Ford Model T

The Ford Model T, colloquially known as the “Tin Lizzie,” revolutionized the auto industry in ways that reverberated across the entire world. Introduced in 1908, its pioneering use of assembly line production drastically reduced manufacturing costs, allowing automobiles to transition from luxury items reserved for the elite to accessible commodities for the masses. This democratization of personal transportation fundamentally transformed societies, fostering greater mobility and reshaping urban and rural landscapes. Additionally, the Model T’s manufacturing methods set a new industrial paradigm, influencing not only the auto sector but also other industries, driving them toward mass production techniques. By making cars affordable and production efficient, the Model T laid the groundwork for the modern automotive industry and established the automobile as an indispensable facet of 20th-century life.

Photo Credit Stas Kozlovskiy

1941 • Jeep MB

The Jeep MB, widely recognized for its service during World War II, stands as an emblem of rugged utility and versatility. Initially designed for military reconnaissance and combat scenarios, its adaptability quickly made it indispensable on the battlefield. After the war, the Jeep’s robustness and simplicity caught the civilian market’s attention, effectively giving birth to the sport utility vehicle (SUV) and four-wheel-drive segment. This transition from military to civilian use set a precedent that showcased the viability and popularity of such vehicles for daily use. In essence, the Jeep MB sowed the seeds for the SUV and off-road vehicle market, influencing subsequent designs and concepts for decades. Its legacy can be seen in the vast array of SUVs and 4×4 vehicles today, cementing its position as a cornerstone in the evolution of the automotive industry.

Photo Credit Alf van Beem

1948 • Ford F Series

Since its inception in 1948, Ford’s F-series trucks have become synonymous with American pickup culture, setting the gold standard for durability, utility, and design. These trucks have adeptly straddled the line between workhorse and daily driver, catering to professionals needing reliable work vehicles and families desiring roomy, versatile transportation. As the best-selling vehicle in the U.S. for several decades, the F-series’ commercial success has been unparalleled, prompting competitors to elevate their game to match Ford’s blend of innovation, performance, and design. Its influence has also driven technological and luxury advancements in the truck segment, transitioning pickups from basic utilitarian machines to high-tech, comfortable, and even luxurious rides. The F-series’ enduring appeal and its adaptations to market demands have not only solidified its iconic status but have also played a pivotal role in defining the trajectory and priorities of the pickup truck segment in the global auto industry.

Photo Credit Acroterion

1949 • Oldsmobile Rocket 88

The Oldsmobile Rocket 88, introduced in 1949, is often hailed as one of the progenitors of the American muscle car movement. Blending a relatively lightweight body with a powerful V8 engine – the “Rocket” – the Rocket 88 offered an exhilarating performance that was previously reserved for pricier, luxury vehicles. This potent combination not only made it a dominant force in early NASCAR racing but also resonated deeply with a post-war America that was hungry for speed and innovation. The car’s success prompted other manufacturers to experiment with placing larger engines in their standard sedans, giving birth to the muscle car era of the 1960s. Beyond its direct lineage to performance cars, the Rocket 88 symbolized a shift in consumer expectations, emphasizing performance alongside comfort and style, thus leaving an indelible mark on automobile design philosophies for generations to come.

Photo Credit MercurySable99

1953 • Chevrolet Corvette

The Chevrolet Corvette, since its debut in 1953, has held an iconic status as America’s premier sports car. Its sleek design, performance-driven engineering, and affordability set it apart in a market that was predominantly dominated by European sports cars. The Corvette showcased America’s capability to produce vehicles that weren’t just utilitarian or luxury-oriented but also performance-centric and aesthetically captivating. Its continuing evolution, through numerous generations, kept pushing boundaries, often adopting innovations like fiberglass bodies, fuel injection, and advanced suspension systems. This consistent commitment to progress influenced other manufacturers to elevate their design and performance standards. Moreover, the Corvette’s success demonstrated a sustained market demand for high-performance sports cars, influencing both domestic and international automakers to invest and innovate in this segment. Over the decades, the Corvette’s legacy has been one of aspiration, performance, and American automotive pride.

Photo Credit Artistmac

1958 • Ford Thunderbird

The 1958 Ford Thunderbird, colloquially known as the “Square Bird” due to its boxy design, marked a significant departure from its predecessors by transitioning from a two-seater sports car to a larger, four-seat “personal luxury car.” This shift in design philosophy reflected an astute reading of market demands, identifying a burgeoning niche for vehicles that melded sporty aesthetics with upscale comfort. The Square Bird’s success — it outsold the previous model three to one — was a testament to this market foresight. The 1958 Thunderbird’s influence resonated deeply within the automotive industry, prompting the rise of the personal luxury car segment in subsequent decades, with competitors launching their own renditions. Models like the Buick Riviera and the Chevrolet Monte Carlo can trace their roots back to the precedent set by the Thunderbird. Through its innovative approach, the 1958 Ford Thunderbird reshaped consumer expectations and set the stage for a new class of American automobiles, blending performance, luxury, and style.

Photo Credit Hugh Llewelyn

1964 • Ford Mustang

Introduced in 1964, the Ford Mustang swiftly galvanized the American automotive landscape, ushering in the era of the “pony car.” A blend of affordability, sporty design, and versatile performance options, the Mustang appealed to a broad swath of consumers, from young adults to enthusiasts looking for a performance edge. Its unprecedented success spawned competitors, like the Chevrolet Camaro and Dodge Challenger, and gave birth to a new, uniquely American category of performance vehicles. Beyond its market impact, the Mustang became a cultural icon, resonating in movies, music, and media, reinforcing the idea of the automobile as a symbol of freedom and individual expression. Its continuing evolution, through various iterations and performance packages, has kept it at the forefront of automotive innovation and design. The Mustang’s enduring influence is evident in its capacity to inspire a whole segment and shape the perception of American performance cars on the global stage.

Photo Credit Kieran White

1966 • Ford Bronco

Introduced in 1966, the Ford Bronco carved a unique niche in the automotive landscape, setting the tone for the future of compact SUVs. Distinct from the larger, more cumbersome SUVs and trucks of its time, the Bronco blended rugged capability with a more manageable size, making it both a city commuter and an off-road adventurer. Its versatility struck a chord with a broad spectrum of consumers, from outdoor enthusiasts to everyday drivers. As the Bronco’s popularity soared, it prompted other manufacturers to explore and invest in the compact SUV segment, even helping to pave the way for the ubiquitous crossover vehicles seen on the road today. Moreover, its distinct design and character fostered a loyal following and cult status, influencing subsequent generations of SUV design and branding. Even after its hiatus and eventual relaunch in 2020, the Bronco’s legacy remained powerful, exemplifying the vehicle’s enduring influence in shaping perceptions, design philosophies, and market trends in the world of SUVs.

Photo Credit Chris Yarzab

1966 • Ford GT40

The Ford GT, initially conceived in the 1960s as a direct challenge to European endurance racing dominators, notably Ferrari, emerged not just as a performance marvel but as a testament to American engineering prowess. With its victories at prestigious races like Le Mans, the GT40, as it was known then, showcased that American automakers could not only compete but triumph on the world’s most demanding racetracks. The modern iterations of the Ford GT, reintroduced in the 21st century, further this legacy by combining cutting-edge technology, innovative materials like carbon fiber, and aerodynamic designs. More than just a supercar, the Ford GT serves as a halo vehicle for the brand, symbolizing Ford’s commitment to innovation, performance, and excellence. Its influence extends beyond racing accolades; it underscores the potential of American automakers to stand toe-to-toe with the world’s best, reshaping perceptions and driving advancements across the broader automotive landscape.

Photo Credit Kevin Decherf

1983 • Dodge Caravan

The Dodge Caravan, introduced in 1984 alongside its twin, the Plymouth Voyager, catalyzed a monumental shift in family transportation, effectively giving birth to the modern minivan segment. Prior to its debut, families primarily relied on station wagons or larger vans for group transport. The Caravan ingeniously combined car-like drivability with the spaciousness of larger vans, all while offering innovative features like sliding doors for easy access. Its design was an immediate hit, resonating with families who sought versatility, comfort, and efficiency in their vehicles. Recognizing the Caravan’s rapid ascent in popularity, other automakers soon entered the fray with their own minivan offerings. The Caravan not only reshaped the American automotive market but also became a global trendsetter, influencing vehicle design and utility standards around the world. Its enduring legacy is evident in the ubiquitous presence of minivans on roads today, underscoring its transformative influence on the industry.

Courtesy of GMC Dodge

Tesla Model S

The introduction of the Tesla Model S marked a pivotal moment in the automotive industry, fundamentally reshaping the landscape of electric vehicles (EVs). With its relatively affordable price point coupled with cutting-edge technology and impressive range, the Model S not only challenged but also transcended pre-existing perceptions of what electric cars could achieve. This audacious leap reverberated across the industry, compelling traditional automakers like Ford and Chevrolet to accelerate and revamp their own EV offerings to remain competitive. The direct impact was evident, leading to the proliferation of diverse and more affordable electric models, thus expanding consumer choice and hastening the industry’s transition away from fossil fuels. This unprecedented wave, initiated by the Model S, not only promoted innovation and competition but also played a crucial role in driving the broader adoption and acceptance of electric vehicles in the global automotive market.

Photo Credit Granada
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Secrets of Hypermiling Sun, 29 Oct 2023 11:16:37 +0000 How far would you be willing to go to increase the efficiency of your car? The answer to that question might depend […]

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How far would you be willing to go to increase the efficiency of your car? The answer to that question might depend on how far your car can actually go between refueling or recharging stops. It could also just come down to how much you’re paying for a tank of gas. For years now there has existed a subculture of car enthusiasts known as hypermiling. These mad scientists of efficiency channel their interest in makes, models, and aftermarket parts all toward one goal: maximizing MPG (although this approach applies to electric cars, too). By changing their driving style, making aftermarket modifications to their rides—particularly with a view to maximize aerodynamics—and using unconventional driving techniques, hypermilers have wired the automotive world for efficiency. The good news is that you can apply these lessons to your own life and start getting more mileage from less energy. Depending on your budget and interest level you can make changes just by switching up your driving habits—or you can go down the rabbit hole and become a master of mileage yourself. Here’s how.

Hypermiling At-A-Glance

Hypermiling is an approach to driving that aims to maximize a vehicle’s fuel efficiency by making deliberate choices to reduce fuel consumption. Those who practice hypermiling use various techniques to enhance their vehicle’s miles per gallon. A few of these techniques include gentle acceleration and braking, maintaining a consistent speed, utilizing cruise control, and planning routes to avoid stops and hills when possible. Hypermilers also pay extremely close attention to vehicle maintenance, ensuring that tires are properly inflated, and the engine is well-maintained to optimize performance. While the term is often associated with hybrid and electric vehicles, hypermiling techniques can be applied to any vehicle to improve fuel efficiency and reduce overall fuel consumption and emissions. Some hypermilers can get as much as 70-90 miles per gallon from a fuel-powered car, depending on driving conditions. Those who choose to join this cult of efficiency and worship at the altar of MPG make a conscious effort to adapt driving habits and techniques to make the best possible use of the vehicle’s energy output.

Basic Driving Techniques

Increasing fuel efficiency while driving involves adopting various techniques and strategies that contribute to improved fuel economy. Hypermilers have known about these techniques for decades, but you can start practicing them on your daily commute tomorrow. 

Maintaining a steady speed and avoiding rapid acceleration or hard braking helps conserve fuel. Utilizing cruise control on highways can maintain consistent speeds and optimize fuel usage. Properly planning routes to avoid heavy traffic, stop-and-go conditions, or numerous traffic lights can also make a significant difference in fuel consumption—keep in mind, traffic lights are your worst enemy when it comes to efficiency. The amount of energy needed to keep your car cruising at its current speed is significantly less than what it takes to bring it back to speed after you’ve come to a stop. What many drivers may not realize is that even having to regain speed from a slow crawl is less energy-intensive than speeding up from a dead stop. So instead of accelerating to a red light, which for some reason is a choice drivers make every day on city streets, try slowing down well ahead of the light. Go as slow as possible without stopping and, if you time it right, you’ll hit the light when it’s green again and avoid having to stop.

Keeping windows closed at high speeds and minimizing the use of air conditioning when it’s not essential can reduce drag and the load on the engine. Ensuring that tires are properly inflated to the recommended pressure can improve gas mileage as well, as under-inflated tires can increase rolling resistance. Additionally, avoiding carrying excess weight in the vehicle and removing unnecessary items, especially on the roof, can also enhance fuel efficiency. Lastly, turning off the engine instead of idling for extended periods saves fuel and reduces emissions. Adopting these habits and strategies collectively can contribute to a noticeable improvement in a vehicle’s fuel efficiency.


Today’s cars are often equipped with systems that are designed to teach drivers to implement more fuel-efficient driving habits. Systems in cars that coach drivers to be more efficient, often known as eco-coaching systems, utilize various technologies and algorithms to guide drivers in adopting fuel-efficient driving habits. These systems typically rely on sensors, GPS, and onboard computers to collect real-time data about the car’s performance and driving conditions.

An eco-coaching system might provide feedback through the vehicle’s display, suggesting when to accelerate or brake, maintain a steady speed, or when to switch gears for manual transmission vehicles. Some systems also use color-coded lights or other visual cues to indicate how efficiently the vehicle is being driven at any given moment. 

In more advanced systems, there might be functionalities that adjust the vehicle’s performance automatically to promote efficiency. For instance, they might optimize the air conditioning usage, alter the throttle response, or manage other energy-consuming components of the vehicle.

Additionally, these systems may also include features that help plan more efficient routes, avoiding heavy traffic or numerous stops, and starting, thus saving fuel. After a journey, some eco-coaching systems provide a summary or score of the driver’s performance, highlighting areas where they did well and where they could improve, encouraging the development of more fuel-efficient driving habits over time. By promoting awareness and offering real-time guidance, these systems aim to educate drivers and encourage behaviors that contribute to enhanced fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.


Various modifications can be made to a car to enhance its fuel efficiency, ranging from simple adjustments to more complex alterations. Starting with aerodynamics, installing aerodynamic add-ons like a front air dam, side skirts, or a rear spoiler can reduce wind resistance, improving highway fuel economy. The Kammback (or an approximate teardrop shape) is one of the most aerodynamic and thus most fuel-efficient shapes for a car—the more you can get your car to embody this shape the more miles you’ll stretch from a single charge or tank of gas.

Tire selection is also crucial. Low rolling resistance tires can improve fuel efficiency as they reduce the amount of energy lost as heat due to the tire flexing while moving. Ensuring that tires are always properly inflated also contributes significantly to fuel efficiency.

Lightweight materials can also make a difference. Replacing heavier car parts with lighter counterparts, such as switching to lighter wheels, can reduce the overall weight of the vehicle, leading to improved fuel economy.

The choice of lubricants can impact fuel efficiency as well. Using low-viscosity, energy-conserving engine oils and lubricants can reduce friction in the engine and other components, helping the car run more smoothly and efficiently.

Modifying the engine control unit (ECU) software, a practice known as “remapping” or “chipping,” can optimize performance parameters such as air-fuel mixture and ignition timing, potentially improving fuel economy.

Enhancements to the intake and exhaust systems, such as using a cold-air intake or a performance exhaust, can improve the engine’s breathing, contributing to better efficiency.

Although it’s not necessarily something we’d recommend, owners of vehicles like the Prius and Chevy Volt have been known to stuff their front grills with cut up pieces of pool noodles to increase mpg during the colder months when their batteries aren’t efficient. This solution is, again, not necessarily recommended for everyone (and if you’re unsure, talk to a mechanic you trust at your local garage), but it shows that with some ingenuity and everyday items, higher efficiency is always within reach.

Lastly, implementing an efficient driving style by avoiding aggressive driving behaviors, such as hard acceleration and braking, is a modification in driver behavior that can significantly impact fuel efficiency.

Remember that any modifications should comply with legal standards and regulations, and it’s advisable to consult automotive professionals before making significant changes to a vehicle’s setup. Note that some modifications might void the vehicle’s warranty or affect its reliability and resale value.

Unconventional Practices

Coasting in manual transmission vehicles refers to the practice of disengaging the gearbox by pressing the clutch pedal (or shifting into neutral) and allowing the vehicle to move using its existing momentum. When coasting downhill, the gravitational pull allows the vehicle to maintain or even increase speed without engine power, which can save fuel as the engine doesn’t have to work to propel the vehicle forward.

When it comes to increasing fuel efficiency on hills, coasting can be a useful technique. While moving downhill, coasting can enable the vehicle to capitalize on the gravitational force, reducing the need for fuel consumption. However, it’s essential to coast safely, maintaining full control over the vehicle at all times. Coasting for extended periods can make the vehicle more challenging to control, reduce braking effectiveness, and even increase the wear on the brakes if they’re used excessively to manage speed.

Additionally, in some modern vehicles, fuel injection systems are designed to stop sending fuel to the engine when the throttle is closed while the car is moving, which already contributes to fuel efficiency during downhill stretches.

Modern cars, especially those with start-stop technology, automatically turn the engine off at red lights as a fuel-saving and emission-reducing measure. When the engine is idling, it still consumes fuel and produces emissions even though the car isn’t moving. By shutting off the engine at red lights or in standstill traffic, the car can save fuel and reduce the overall amount of pollutants being released into the environment.

Once the driver releases the brake pedal or engages the clutch, the engine swiftly restarts, allowing the car to resume motion. This technology is beneficial in city driving, where there are frequent stops, contributing to improved fuel economy and lower emissions in areas where air quality is often a concern.

While it’s a useful feature, some drivers might find it disconcerting to have the engine frequently stop and start. However, start-stop systems are designed to operate seamlessly and safely, ensuring the vehicle is always ready to move when the driver intends to go forward. If the system determines that specific conditions aren’t met, such as the car’s battery charge being too low or the cabin temperature not being comfortable, the engine won’t turn off, ensuring the vehicle’s performance and the occupants’ comfort aren’t compromised.

Although many cars today are designed to employ this unconventional technique automatically, hypermilers have been using it for years in their own cars, simply disengaging the engine when they come to a stop and re-starting when it’s once again time to drive. Some hypermilers have even installed special switches in their cars which help them re-engage the engine more quickly once they’re ready to begin driving again.

Although full-on hypermile mania may not be for you, simple modifications to your driving style and habits can go a long way toward increasing your overall efficiency on the road.

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Predicting The Car Safety Tech of the Future Sun, 29 Oct 2023 06:47:55 +0000 Car safety technology is rapidly advancing in the present day, with innovations driven by a blend of technological progress and heightened awareness […]

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Car safety technology is rapidly advancing in the present day, with innovations driven by a blend of technological progress and heightened awareness about the importance of road safety.

As technology continues to accelerate in development and advancement, we will hopefully move toward a world where auto accidents are rare, and driving is safer than ever. To that end, we’re exploring the future of auto safety and the kinds of technologies that will be employed to deliver on the promise of safer roads for everyone. As cars become better at avoiding accidents entirely (and more resilient when they do happen), perhaps we can also expect advancements to help us avoid the most severe weather (like tornadoes and flash floods). What will the world of car safety look like in the era of AI and self-driving cars?

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have become incredibly sophisticated. Technologies like automatic emergency braking, blind-spot monitoring, and adaptive cruise control are becoming standard features in many vehicles. These systems continuously monitor the vehicle’s surroundings and can take corrective actions, often faster than a human driver might be able to.

ADAS are technologies designed to enhance safety and improve driving. They work by continuously monitoring the vehicle’s surroundings and assisting the driver in various tasks.

At the heart of ADAS are sensors, cameras, radars, and sometimes even lidar systems. These components continuously gather data about the vehicle’s environment. For example, cameras might scan the road for lane markings, while radars could detect the speed and distance of objects around the car. In some sophisticated systems, lidar, which uses laser beams, provides a detailed 3D map of the surroundings.

As technology continues to accelerate in development and advancement, we will hopefully move toward a world where auto accidents are rare, and driving is safer than ever.

Once data is gathered, it’s processed by onboard computers equipped with advanced algorithms. These algorithms interpret the data, detect potential hazards, and in some cases, predict possible future scenarios based on current trends, like the trajectory of a nearby car.

After processing the data, ADAS can assist the driver in a variety of ways. For instance, if the system detects that the car is drifting out of its lane without a turn signal activated, a lane departure warning might be issued, either through visual or audible alerts. Some systems even gently steer the car back into its lane.

Similarly, if the vehicle ahead slows down suddenly and a collision is imminent, the automatic emergency braking system can apply brakes if the driver doesn’t react in time. Other functionalities like adaptive cruise control can adjust the car’s speed to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead, while blind-spot monitoring alerts drivers to vehicles in areas that might be hard to see with traditional mirrors.

Integration with the car’s other systems, such as steering, braking, and throttle, allows ADAS to provide active assistance. It’s important to note, however, that while ADAS can intervene in some situations, the responsibility for safe driving remains with the human driver in most current vehicle models. Over time, as technology evolves and proves its reliability, we can expect an even greater degree of automation and assistance from these systems.

Connectivity plays an increasing role in modern vehicle safety. Cars are becoming more connected, not just to the internet, but to other vehicles and infrastructure. This vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication can alert drivers about upcoming hazards, traffic conditions, or even the actions of nearby vehicles.

Pedestrian and cyclist safety is also gaining attention. Newer systems can detect pedestrians and cyclists, even in low-light conditions, and automatically brake if a collision is imminent. 

The future of ADAS appears to be heading towards greater sophistication, automation, and integration. As technology evolves, ADAS will become more capable, offering broader ranges of assistance to drivers and ensuring safer roadways.

One of the primary trajectories is the progression towards fully autonomous driving. Today’s ADAS features are foundational building blocks for self-driving vehicles. As ADAS systems become more advanced, they will manage more driving tasks, gradually reducing the need for human intervention. In the future, we can expect cars equipped with ADAS to handle complex driving scenarios, navigate challenging terrains, and even communicate with other vehicles and infrastructure.

Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication is another promising area. This technology allows cars to communicate not just with each other but with traffic lights, pedestrian crosswalks, and other infrastructure. Such communication can enhance ADAS capabilities by providing a broader understanding of the environment, anticipating potential hazards, and facilitating smoother traffic flow.

Furthermore, advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning will play a significant role in refining ADAS capabilities. Systems will become better at predicting and reacting to unforeseen events, learning from vast amounts of data, and even adapting to individual driver habits and preferences.

Integrating Augmented Reality (AR) into ADAS is another potential direction. AR could overlay vital information directly onto the windshield, giving real-time feedback about the road, highlighting hazards, or suggesting optimal driving paths.

However, with increased automation and reliance on ADAS, concerns about cybersecurity and the potential for system malfunctions or hacking will become even more critical. Efforts will likely intensify to ensure the security and robustness of these systems.

As ADAS features become standard in more vehicles, regulatory frameworks and industry standards will evolve. Governments and international bodies will work to create a standardized approach to ensure safety, consistency, and interoperability across different brands and regions.

In essence, the future of ADAS holds the promise of making driving safer, more efficient, and potentially even transforming the very nature of transportation as we know it.

Drowsiness Detection

Drowsiness detection systems in cars use various sensors and algorithms to monitor drivers for signs of fatigue and subsequently alert them. One of the most prevalent methods involves using cameras, often placed on the dashboard or the rear-view mirror, to track the driver’s eye movements. These systems analyze the blink rate, duration of eyelid closure, and movement of the pupils. Rapid eye movement, prolonged blinking, or a gaze that drifts can indicate drowsiness.

In addition to eye-tracking, some systems monitor the driver’s facial features, such as the position of the head or the slackness of facial muscles. Drooping of the head or a relaxed jaw might be indicators of fatigue.

Steering behavior can also be a strong indicator of a driver’s alertness. If the system detects erratic steering patterns, such as swerving or consistent minor corrections, it might infer that the driver is becoming less attentive or drowsy.

In more advanced systems, physiological measurements, such as monitoring the driver’s heart rate or skin conductance, might be used. Changes in these parameters can sometimes precede visible signs of drowsiness.

Once the system detects signs of drowsiness, it alerts the driver, usually through a combination of visual, auditory, or tactile signals, like an alarm sound, flashing lights, or seat vibrations. The primary objective is to prompt the driver to either take a break or employ measures to increase alertness.


The structural integrity of cars continues to improve. Advances in materials science allow for the creation of vehicles that are lightweight for efficiency but also robust enough to withstand and protect passengers during collisions. 

Advances in materials science have profoundly impacted the automotive industry, enabling the creation of vehicles that are lightweight yet robust. Traditional steel has evolved into high-strength steels, and even more advanced high-strength steels, which maintain the malleability of steel but offer significantly greater strength. This allows for thinner components without a trade-off in safety.

Aluminum, having a lower density than steel, has seen enhanced alloys that boost its strength and durability. This makes it an increasingly popular choice in car manufacturing for various parts, from body panels to structural components. Carbon fiber reinforced plastics bring together the extreme strength of carbon fiber with the versatility of plastic, offering a high strength-to-weight ratio. While traditionally seen in high-performance and luxury vehicles due to cost, there’s ongoing research and development aimed at making carbon fiber components more affordable for mainstream cars.

Magnesium alloys offer another lightweight alternative. While there have been limitations in its use due to factors such as cost and the challenges associated with forming and joining, new techniques and research are making it more feasible for broader applications. 

Polymer composites, which merge polymers with other materials, can replace heavier metal components in some areas of a vehicle, balancing lightness with durability. On the frontier of material science, nanostructured materials are being developed. By manipulating materials at the atomic and molecular levels, scientists can fine-tune their properties, offering enhanced strength or flexibility.

Apart from the materials themselves, the ways in which they’re combined and integrated into vehicles have also seen innovation. New joining techniques, such as improved welding, advanced adhesives, and innovative fastening methods, are essential to ensure that cars remain sturdy, especially when fusing different types of materials together. Moreover, there’s a growing interest in leveraging natural and bio-based materials, reflecting a broader push for sustainability in the automotive industry. 

The confluence of these advancements ensures that modern cars are not only lighter, aiding in fuel efficiency and performance, but also maintain, or even enhance, their protective capabilities.

All of these advancements are part of a broader trend towards making roads safer and reducing the number of traffic-related injuries and fatalities.

The Future of the Seatbelt

With all these future-forward advancements in safety technology, it begs the question: will cars someday be so safe that seatbelts are no longer necessary? It seems possible, but there are quite a few hurdles that would have to be overcome first. To begin with, the seatbelt is tried and true—it’s one of those simple, brilliant innovations that, instead of being outmoded, simply gets improved upon over the years. That helps explain why it’s stuck around so long when everything else in auto engineering seems to change as years go on. Next, there are regulatory considerations. Every US state has a requirement for seatbelts to be worn by drivers, and in order for a push to change those laws to be viable, traffic accidents and deaths that seatbelts have a proven record of saving people from would have to be almost nonexistent. But as long as there’s a chance a seatbelt could save your life in an accident, it’s likely that they will be required (and truly, the inconvenience of wearing one seems well worth the risk in that case). If one day cars are fully autonomous, moving on flawless electronic infrastructure which can make traffic accidents a thing of the past, maybe you’ll be free to move about the cabin. Until then, you’ll want to buckle up when driving.

Although many of these advancements are still developing and have yet to reach their full potential, it’s also always a good idea to check if the car you currently drive has any current recalls. Check out to learn more.

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When Will Self-Driving Cars Be Common? Leading Brands and Main Challenges Sat, 30 Sep 2023 13:36:00 +0000 Leading Brands in the Self-Driving Car Industry In the rapidly evolving self-driving car industry, several key brands are leading the charge in […]

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Leading Brands in the Self-Driving Car Industry

In the rapidly evolving self-driving car industry, several key brands are leading the charge in innovation. These companies have invested significantly in autonomous technology:

Tesla: Tesla is at the forefront of autonomous features, with its Autopilot system integrated into its vehicles. CEO Elon Musk envisions achieving Full Self-Driving (FSD) capabilities, though regulatory hurdles persist.

Waymo (Alphabet Inc.): Alphabet Inc.’s subsidiary, Waymo, operates Waymo One, a fully autonomous ride-hailing service. Waymo is recognized for its robust sensor suite and extensive testing on public roads.

General Motors (GM): GM’s Cruise Automation division is dedicated to autonomous vehicle development, focusing on urban environments. The company has announced plans for a commercial self-driving taxi service.

Ford: Ford has partnered with Argo AI to develop autonomous vehicles for various applications, including ride-hailing and delivery services.

Apple: Apple’s secretive Project Titan suggests an interest in self-driving car technology, though specific plans remain undisclosed.

What’s Working in Self-Driving Car Development

Significant progress has been made in self-driving technology, with promising aspects to highlight:

Safety Improvements: Self-driving cars have the potential to significantly reduce accidents caused by human error, which accounts for the majority of accidents on the road.

Efficiency Gains: Autonomous vehicles could alleviate traffic congestion by reducing traffic accidents, leading to more efficient commutes for all.

Economic Benefits: Self-driving technology could generate a substantial global economic impact, primarily through reduced accidents and increased productivity.

Lauri Veerde

Challenges in Self-Driving Car Development

Despite advancements, the path to widespread adoption of self-driving cars presents notable challenges:

Regulatory Complexity: Varying regulations across regions create challenges for consistent deployment, necessitating close collaboration between the industry and regulators.

Technical Hurdles: While self-driving technology has improved, occasional accidents during testing show the need for further refinement.

Consumer Trust: A significant portion of the public remains cautious about self-driving cars, emphasizing the importance of building trust through safety and transparency.

Cost Constraints: Developing and deploying autonomous technology can be expensive, demanding cost-effective solutions for widespread accessibility.

Infrastructure Compatibility: Existing road infrastructure may require upgrades to facilitate the seamless integration of autonomous vehicles.

The self-driving car industry holds immense promise but also faces substantial challenges. The dance between industry advancements, regulatory cooperation, and consumer acceptance will ultimately determine when self-driving cars become a common sight on the road. For now, we may still be waiting a while.

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Revving Up Innovation: Audio Advancements in the Automotive Market Sat, 30 Sep 2023 13:18:00 +0000 In recent years, the automotive industry has seen a paradigm shift in the way it approaches in-car audio systems. While the focus […]

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In recent years, the automotive industry has seen a paradigm shift in the way it approaches in-car audio systems. While the focus has long been on providing high-quality music playback, the evolving landscape of consumer preferences and technological advancements has prompted automakers to rethink their audio innovations. Today, companies are looking beyond traditional audio and are embracing spatial sound, interconnected devices, and non-musical experiences to enhance the overall driving experience.

Imagine driving through a forest and hearing birds chirping from above and to the left side of the car, while a stream flows from the front right. This spatial audio experience not only enhances the overall driving experience but also contributes to safety, as it can provide more precise auditory cues for navigation and alerts.

The Next Frontier One of the most significant developments in automotive audio is the integration of spatial sound technology. Traditional car audio systems were limited to basic stereo setups, but now, automakers are exploring three-dimensional audio experiences. Spatial sound technology uses multiple speakers and advanced algorithms to create a more immersive auditory environment within the vehicle.

Another crucial aspect of modern automotive audio innovation is the integration of interconnected devices. In-car entertainment systems are no longer standalone pieces of tech; they are now part of a larger ecosystem. Smartphones, tablets, and other devices can seamlessly connect to the car’s audio system, allowing drivers and passengers to access their preferred content easily.

Voice-activated assistants like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa have also become integral to the in-car audio experience. These virtual assistants enable drivers to control music, navigation, and communication with simple voice commands, reducing distractions and making the driving experience safer.

The popularity of podcasts has skyrocketed in recent years, and automakers are taking note. Podcasts provide a unique listening experience that caters to a wide range of interests, from storytelling and news to self-improvement and entertainment. Many drivers now prefer listening to podcasts during their commutes, making it essential for automakers to ensure podcast integration within their audio systems.

In addition to music and podcasts, automotive audio innovation now extends to non-musical experiences. Features like active noise cancellation and acoustic enhancements are being incorporated into vehicles to create quieter and more comfortable driving environments. These technologies reduce road and engine noise, allowing passengers to have conversations more easily and enjoy a more peaceful ride.

As automakers continue to push the boundaries of audio innovation, several technologies stand out as the best in the market today:

1. Dolby’s Atmos: Dolby’s Atmos technology, known for its impressive spatial sound capabilities, has found its way into premium car audio systems. It offers a three-dimensional listening experience that can transport passengers to the heart of the music or movie they are enjoying.

2. Harman Kardon’s QuantumLogic Immersion: This system uses advanced sound processing to create a surround-sound experience, elevating audio quality to new heights. It’s a perfect fit for audiophiles who crave immersive audio within their vehicles.

3. Bang & Olufsen 3D Advanced Sound System: Renowned for its high-end audio equipment, Bang & Olufsen has brought its expertise to the automotive world. Their 3D Advanced Sound System provides exceptional audio quality, coupled with a visually appealing design.

The automotive market is witnessing a significant transformation in audio innovation and the best makers will be more than prepared to tackle these transitions and be early with game changing audio tech. Companies will need to embrace spatial sound, support a diverse range of interconnected devices, and consider customers’ non-musical experiences to provide drivers and passengers with more immersive and enjoyable journeys.

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Demystifying MPGe: Understanding Electric Vehicle Efficiency Sat, 30 Sep 2023 12:57:00 +0000 When you’re in the market for an electric vehicle (EV), you’re likely to encounter a somewhat cryptic term: MPGe, or Miles Per […]

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When you’re in the market for an electric vehicle (EV), you’re likely to encounter a somewhat cryptic term: MPGe, or Miles Per Gallon-Equivalent. But what exactly does MPGe mean, and why is it used in the automotive industry? To grasp its significance, we first need to understand why the industry measures MPGe for electric vehicles and how it differs from the traditional MPG (Miles Per Gallon) metric.

Why Measure MPGe for Electric Vehicles?

The emergence of electric, hybrid, natural gas, and hydrogen-fueled vehicles has introduced a new dimension to the automotive landscape – energy efficiency. Unlike conventional gasoline-powered vehicles, these alternative fuel vehicles employ different sources of energy, prompting the need for a standardized metric to assess their efficiency.

This is where MPGe steps in. MPGe, devised by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), serves as a unified yardstick for measuring the efficiency of various vehicles, regardless of the energy source they use. It’s designed to highlight how efficiently these alternative fuel vehicles consume energy and propel themselves.

MPGe vs. MPG: Unraveling the Difference

To appreciate the significance of MPGe, it’s crucial to recognize how it diverges from the traditional MPG rating.

MPG (Miles Per Gallon):

MPG is a familiar metric that applies to gasoline-powered vehicles. It tells you how many miles a car can travel on a gallon of gasoline. In essence, it measures fuel efficiency, helping consumers understand how efficiently a vehicle uses gasoline.

MPGe (Miles Per Gallon-Equivalent):

MPGe, on the other hand, extends the concept of MPG to encompass a broader range of energy sources. It provides a standardized way to compare the energy efficiency of electric, hybrid, natural gas, and hydrogen-fueled vehicles to their gasoline-powered counterparts.

The key distinction lies in the energy source. While MPG focuses solely on gasoline, MPGe accounts for the energy derived from various sources, allowing consumers to make informed decisions about the energy efficiency of alternative fuel vehicles.

For instance, consider a midsize sedan with an internal combustion engine, which typically achieves a fuel efficiency rating of 30 MPG. In contrast, a Tesla Model 3 boasts an MPGe rating ranging from 113 to 141. This stark contrast in numbers highlights the superior energy efficiency of electric vehicles over traditional gasoline-powered cars.

Changing our Vocabulary

In the evolving landscape of automotive technology, MPGe plays an important role in helping consumers understand and compare the energy efficiency of different vehicle types. It goes beyond the confines of MPG to encompass a wide array of energy sources, making it a valuable tool for evaluating electric, hybrid, natural gas, and hydrogen-fueled vehicles. By considering MPGe alongside other factors like local electricity rates, consumers can make informed choices when selecting their next vehicle, ensuring it aligns with their energy efficiency and environmental preferences.

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